one year, one blonde aussie JET in ibaraki, japan.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

a safe place...

i was told that ibaraki was a safe place to live. no volcanos, no earthquakes, no tsunamis etc, but maybe they were wrong

i was chatting to tom, who is chiba at the moment, at around 8.45 and the room started to shake! 10 seconds later the room where tom was (about 80kms away from me) also started to shake

apparently we were experiencing a 4 on the richter scale. i dont think it is the biggest i have felt, but the whole house was shaking and i was worried about the bottles on top of the microwave falling over. but luckily we all came out un harmed.

they had an image on the tv only a few mins later taken from near the station at mito. it was pretty shakey. they also showed chiba and you could even see the hotel tom was in!

its amazing how quick the response is on the tv here though. it was less than a min before info about where when and what had happened was on the screen.