finally ! a paid up member of the white headphone brigade
i have done a lot of sitting on busses and trains since i got to japan 2 months ago. and i realised my 128 meg mp3 player was not really sufficient when i had to listen to the same songs 3 or 4 times in the one journey.
yesterday my brand new ipod arrived in the mail. i had ordered it over the net from a shop in oosaka only on monday arvo and it arrived on tuesday! thats service. in fact it arrived sometime in the morning but i was not home so they had to come back again at night.
its very sexy. 20 gig, colour screen, white and shiny. i cant wait to use it on my next big trip. on saturady i am off with tom to gifu prefecture (a 2.5 hour bus and then a 2.5 hour shinkansen away) to play golf with a japanese person i met in australia through work.
let the music play!