one year, one blonde aussie JET in ibaraki, japan.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

quick post, which turned out to be not so quick

ok, i havent got time to do a proper update so i will just do a run down of what i have been up to since my last post proper post on the 28th september

30th Sep: taught at the argicultural uni again. went to taiko practice at night
1st Oct: got on a train to tokyo to meet up with tom to go down to gifu to play golf with mr ueda and co
2nd oct: played golf. i came last, tom came first. he even guessed his own score correctly so he won an extra prize. i won washing powder for coming last..
3rd oct: left tom in gifu and went back to work... spent the arvo at NHK and was on the local TV. sadly noone taped it so i cant prove it.
4th oct: taugh some farmers how to speak english
6th oct: had a JET dinner at heather's house (lives about 500m from me) and made up an antipasto platter like mum does back home. i was very excited when i found sun dried tomatos at the supermarket
7th oct: more teaching at the agricultural uni. I fed them vegemite. they told me that was why they couldnt concentrate for the rest of the arvo. tom got back to mito that night and i took him to taiko with me
8th, 9th, 10th oct: a long weekend in japan. we stayed in mito all weekend and tried to relax but ended up being really busy doing nothing much.
12th oct: last day at argicultural uni. kate and james arrived. took arvo off and showed them round the town
13th oct: first ever primary school visit. read them possum magic and fed them vegemite. they loved it. taught them musical statues and knots. at night we go to sushi and karaoke with tom, kate and james
14th oct: kate and james leave for tokyo
15th oct: disneyland! stayed in tokyo overnight
16th oct: shopping in harajuku with kate, james, katie and tom
17th oct: interviewed by local paper. tom goes back to work
18th oct: see next post!

now you can see why i have been slow in the posting department. its 11pm now and i need to go to sleep. and do battle with the very smart mosquito that seems to be living in my room....