halloween and things less scary
happy halloween to those who actually believe in it.
i went to a halloween party on the weekend in tokyo and it was a very interesting experience. i wouldnt have thought so many japanese people would get so into it, but then again they do love their western traditions: valentines, christmas, disney.....
the party was at a club in shinkiba (not far from tokyo disneyland actually) called ageha. The place is huge. about 15 different rooms, all with different music. you had house, r&b, reggae, trance, hip hop etc to choose from.
they even had a swimming pool!
we left mito at 7pm and went to shinjuku first to meet up with other JETs and get some dinner. we got there at 9.45ish and didint actually get the the night club until 12am.
nearly everyone was dressed up. i got an angel costume but it was too small when i got it home, so i took the wings and halo and wore it with a black top and skirt and boots to become a "dark angel". It worked. everyone in costume got into the club for free and so did i.
the wierd thing about this club was that
1. they checked our id. first time this has ever happened in japan
2. they checked our bags and told us "No cameras" so we had to put them in a locker. i dont get this cause our phones all have cameras on them too....
3. they gave us a pat down before we were allowed in.
in the middle of the night they had a costume competition. the people who entered were very strange... i cant even begin to describe what they were wearing, or not. one guy was almost naked, but covered in white body paint. and then someone pulled his pants down and he had his privates covered with a bit of plastic like he knew he would loose his pants at one point....
we left there at around 5am and i got back to home at 9am. i dont think i woke up till after 3. and i am still stuffed now.
but it was worth it. i wasnt planning to go originally, but my plans for friday night got stuffed up by the fact i had to do 4 hours of over time translating the govenors speech for a conference in kenya. apparently the translation i had done earlier was "too hard" and it needed to be "dumbed down"
not only did i have to work till almost 9pm, but then on saturady during the day when we were in the middle of running the international sports day that i had planned and worked on for the last 2 months, we get a call telling me that i need to be at the governors residence to make some changes to the text again!
i couldnt believe it. and when i got there, all i did was change 1 sentance of about 4 words. the govenor seems to be able to speak english (i have never met him) and he is very picky about his speeckes, so why doesnt he just write them himself!!!
oh well, i get 4 hours off on another day instead now, but i missed out on going to see my friend tatsutro singing at a concert....
btw, the sports day went well. it was supposed to rain but it didnt in the end so we had a good turn out after a slow start. maybe around 60 people turned up at various times during the day. 15 or so jets also came so it worked well. cricket, american football, petanque, baggo, frisbee, kickball, dodgeball, double dutch, tug of war, were all a big hit. i am not sure if we will be able to do it again cause my office is not big on spending money, but it was a success