Well i finally arrived in Tokyo to start my year or more of JET. havent got heaps of time to say what i have been up to, but i thought i had better check in with everyone so they know i have arrived safely.
We got in on Sunday morning and spent the day getting to the hotel, and then doing a bit of shopping in Shinjuku. THen we caught up with Ben and a few other people and went to a japanese pub for dinner
Today was a full day of orientation and it hasnt finished yet. After i finish this i will be off to a welcome dinner and then maybe more pubbing.
Tomorrow is also a full day and then in teh evening we go to the Australian embassy for dinner.
On wednesday we head off to our towns and cities. And then it is time to start serching for an apartment to live in
Having lots of fun and melting in the Tokyo heat.
Will write more when i get a chance. At the moment i am sitting on the floor of th lobby of the Keio Hotel writting this. We dont get internet at our hotel the Hilton for some reason but they have set up a wireless point for us over here.