What is Ibaraki?
According to Jamie, a current JET in Ibaraki, there are lots of good things about Ibaraki.
- 1 hour from the ocean
- 2 hours from any ski hills
- 2 hours from the international airport
- 2 hours from Tokyo
- we don't have to travel for the JET meetings(as they're all here)
- we have fantastic restaurants
- the cutest pubs with class and character
- there are great gyms in and around Mito to keep you fit
- we have Lake Semba for taking walks/runs and laying in the grass(a rarity in Japan)
- we have excellent museums
- live music baby!
- for beer lovers, we have the Beer Garden above Mito Station for summer cocktails
- we're only 1 hour from Fukoroda Falls, Daigo, Takahagi and other outdoor favorite spots
- being in the prefectures capital allows us access to a wealth of resources(books, events, classes...)
- we have had, and will always have, some fantastic ALTs who get together regularly and make this place feel like home and like family!!!!
sounds pretty good!