one year, one blonde aussie JET in ibaraki, japan.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

be prepared

when i bought my bike in late 2004 i bought some spare tire tubes just to be safe. up till now i havent had to use them. never had a puncture.

today i decided that after a year of riding, and thousands of kilometres, it was probably time to put the spares to use.

i took off the front tire and spend about 30 mins stuggling to get the tube out. i am not very good at replacing tires.

then i pulled out the spares and discovered that my preparation was not as good as i had hoped.

the spares i have been carrying around for the last 18 months, relying on in the case i might get a flat out on the road, the ones i got from the bike shop along with my bike the day i bought it.

they are the wrong size!!!

after all that stuggling with the tubes, i just had to put the same one back in

not happy jan. dont rely on the bike shop to sell you the correct tubes. when flat they might look the same size, but when pupmped up, a few milimetres make a big difference.
